Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Scholarships 2023/2024, UK


 Loughborough University is a famous school in the English county of Leicestershire. It is known for its excellent teaching, research, and athletics. Since it was founded in 1909, the university has grown to become one of the most important schools in the UK. It regularly ranks among the best universities in the country.

The university has many different academic programs in business, engineering, the social sciences, the arts, and the sciences. Loughborough University gives its students the skills and information they need to do well in their chosen fields by putting a lot of stress on hands-on learning and how it applies to the real world. The university's dedication to academic achievement is shown by its high-quality teaching, state-of-the-art buildings, and committed staff members who are experts in their areas.

Overall, Loughborough University is a shining example of academic achievement and gives its students a well-rounded and rich education. Loughborough University trains students to be future leaders and make a good difference in society. This is done through hard academic programs, world-class sports facilities, and a lively school community.

Scholarship - What it is:

  • Loughborough University is the host university. The United Kingdom is the host country.
  • Master's Level of Study;
  • Type of Scholarship: Partially Funded;
  • Value of the scholarship: £10,000;
  • International students from countries that qualify;
  • MSc Digital Finance, MSc Data Science, MSc Cyber Security and Data Analytics, and MSc Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics are some of the subjects that can be taken.
  • The deadline to apply is July 28, 2023.

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Scholarships are available to International Master's students at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom who are studying MSc Digital Finance, MSc Data Science, MSc Cyber Security and Data Analytics, or MSc Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics.

Students get a top-notch education at Loughborough University because it has state-of-the-art buildings and a staff of experienced pros. Students at Loughborough University can expect a caring and welcoming environment that helps them grow and gives them many ways to improve their careers.

Scholarship Benefits: 

Loughborough University gives out grants that are worth up to £10,000 and can be used for education, living costs, or a mix of both. The grant money is given out in three parts over the course of the school year.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must meet the following requirements to be qualified for the scholarship:

  • Belong to at least one of the marginalized groups, such as women, Black students, disabled students, students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, care experienced students, estranged students, Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller students, refugees, children of military families, veterans, and partners of military personnel.
  • Meet the standards for your country of origin or where you live to be eligible for the advanced master's loan.
  • Have been accepted into one of the schools that qualify.
  • Be self-funded, which means they shouldn't get any other awards or funding besides a UK government student loan, which is fine.

Getting an application

Applicants must fill out the online application form to be considered for the grant. But it's important to remember that applicants must have already applied to one of the master's programs before they can apply for the grant. Applicants will be asked to give their Postgraduate Application Number as a required part of the grant application process.

Supporting Documents: 

When students fill out their applications, they will have to include a short statement of why they should be chosen. This sentence should include all of the following:

  • Student's academic, career, and recreational achievements in the past.
  • How much experience the applicant has in the field of data science and what job plans they have for the future.
  • A description of how they will benefit from the money they will get from the grant.
  • Conditions for getting in
  • Students who want to go to the university must meet the requirements set by the school in order to get in.

Needs for Language

Applicants must be able to speak and write English well. Students must show that they can speak English fluently.

For more information, please check the University’s official website:

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